8Like I said yesterday, I have date with them, right? Yes it is :)) Sangat fun okayyyyy even sometimes they look like annoying hahaha but never mind I didn't care about that. They are still my friend and I happy that! Okayyy the storyy will start here.

Morning around 10am like that, they pick me at home. The first our destination is post office at town cause Irsyad want get something at there. But after that we go post office Larkin. Seriouslyyyy, nak cari dekat Larkin tk jumpa. Pusing banyak kali kottt lol lastly we ask some people where is the post office. Then, they accompaying me to make bank CIMB. Makan masa jugak lahh. Boleh pulak aku terlupaa yang semalam Iqbal & Fauzy ada cakap suruh jagakan TF kejap sementara diorg pergi solat Jumaat. So, aku apalagi bagitahu diorg nak kena balik Uda kejap. Aku hantar diorg dekat Masjid India dekat bandar then rushing lahhh pergi Uda. Pukul 2 lebih diorg suruh amik then Irsyad cakap jangan bawak laju-laju. 80km/h is normal right? But I tell him don't worry aku bawak 50km/h jee. Kahkahkahkah jakgi bila dah pick up dia baru dia perasan yg actually meter tuu dah tk gerak dah. Memang dah tergelakk habis lahhh sebab dia percaya aku bawak 50km/h. Bapakkk sloww gilerrr kott lol. Apalagi pergi CS lepas tuu pergi makan then movie. Harini kan abang Zul kita belanja makan dengan movie lahh hikhikhik. Memang lahh dia kena belanja sebab yesterday is my birthday and he already promise to treat me. Best sangat keluar dgn diorg. Hmm lepas ni tkthu bila dapat keluar sesama lagi. Zul pun belajar jauh dekat UMK :(( Tunggu dia balik kl lah nampak gayanyakan.

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